Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Planet Made of Diamonds

On a website names there is an article about a planet that is suspected to be made out of diamonds. How is this possible you may say? Well, in this article I learned that scientists believe that these new planet made up of old remains of planets. These old remains have been pressurized and over millions of years have become solid diamonds.
                I definitely think that research should be continued on these unique planets. The more we find about space, the better. Finding a planet made of solid diamonds would be a huge discovery. Many scientists believe that the finding out about these unknown planets is not far away. The technology they have now a day has made it very possible for them to do research with advanced technology and many are very close to a breakthrough.  There are many planets that are expected to be similar to this one. Space is so big, with so many unknown elements. The more we can figure out about anything in space will help us understand it more. There are so many mysteries of space. We can hardly comprehend how much is out there! The more we learn the better.

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