When thanksgiving comes around a lot of us just think that it is time of holiday and a time where we can stuff ourselves with food. Thanksgiving is a little more than that though. It is a time for us to really give thanks and really think about all of the blessing in our lives. There are a lot of things we are thankful for that we take for granite every single day of our lives. Of course we always think of being thankful for our families, friends, electronics, education, and many other things but it is the less common things that we are thankful for that we should really try to focus on.
Every single thing that is good in our lives is something we should be thankful for. Things like roads, ovens, school (even though we don’t always like it, it still helps us) keyboards, computers, pictures, shelter, and people that work hard everyday to make our lives possible. There are so many things that we really should be more thankful for.
When I went to EFY this summer we learned that we are truly happier when we express what we are thankful for. The person who told this story was paralyzed from the waist down and had trouble just moving his arms and hands. He was still grateful for so many things even though there are things in his life that he could be so sad about and just sulk on. This man was very inspirational and I hope that all of us can find the good in our lives even when everything seams to be horrible.
Statistics show that when we are grateful for everything around us, we are happier as a person. A famous quote says “consistently expressing sincere and heartfelt gratitude for what you already have is the underlying and often overlooked force which opens doors to immeasurable abundance and happiness” I find this quote very true. When we look around us for the good, we are happy and are more likely to have good in our own lives.
My great aunt recently got back from a service mission from Madagascar , which is a small place right off of Africa . She was in shock when she got back of how much we had here. We had clean water, food, shelter, a warm place to sleep, a bed, and many other things. She said that down in Madagascar , they had nothing, yet they were still very happy people. They could never have just a leisure day, for the second they wake up until the second they go to bed they are on a search for fresh water and food to eat. Many of the children have to find food for there whole entire family. It is very sad how they live and how they survive. We have so much here and we don’t even realize it. It is amazing to know that they have pretty much nothing, yet they are still so happy. We have so much and sometimes we are still not happy. This just goes to show how money does not bring happiness. We will be happy when we are happy with all we have.
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