Around thanksgiving many of us believe that we should be grateful for everything in our lives, but many of us don’t know that it actually helps us be happy! Scientists are finding that an attitude of gratitude is a powerful contributor to a happy life. Some believe that it may be the single most effective way to increase happiness. According to Dr. Robert Emmons, a leading gratitude researcher and author of the book thanks, the idea of receiving a gift is central to the concept of gratitude. While merely appreciating something for its positive qualities does have a positive impact on our lives and emotions, gratitude takes the next step beyond. Gratitude happens when we go beyond just appreciating something to acknowledging that we have received a gift that we did nothing to earn or deserve. The warm emotional rush we feel when we really feel gratitude is very like the glow we feel from realizing we are unconditionally loved.
New research shows that practicing gratitude may be the fastest single pathway to happiness, health, long life, and prosperity. In a study Dr. Emmons people who kept a gratitude journal for just 3 weeks measured 25% higher on life satisfaction afterwards. They exercised more, drank alcohol less, and their families and friends noticed that they were nicer to be around. And the effects lasted for several months beyond the initial 3 week study. Other studies are confirming these results. Peo0ple who take the time to notice and appreciate the good things that come their way through grace, or luck, or the goodness of others are happier and more peaceful. They do better on cognitive tests and tests of problem solving skills. They practice healthier habits, have better relationships, are more optimistic and live longer. Gratitude is one powerful emotion and can be used to turn our lives around in a time of need!
Don’t sweat the small stuff – Spend a moment every day thinking of someone to thank. Gratitude and inner peach go hand in hand. The more genuinely grateful I feel for the gift of my life, the more peaceful I feel. Gratitude, then, is worthy of a little practice. Learned a long time ago it’s easy to allow my mind to slip into various forms of negativity. First thing that leaves is sense of gratitude. Begin to take people in my life for granted and love feel is often replaced with frustration and resentment. As I think of one person to feel gratitude for soon another pops in my head along with other things to feel grateful for.
Often overlooked blessings…The kindness of strangers
Expressions of unconditional love and support.
Times when your ideas “clicked” with others
Reading a passage in a book or a poem that expresses exactly how you feel
First morsel of comfort food
Reading a book that changes your life
Sense of relief throwing stuff out brings
Rediscovering old family photos
Finding the perfect gift for someone
An unexpected compliment that makes your day
The simple abundance journal of gratitude…
All of these things when expressed and noticed can make our lives better.
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