Saturday, March 3, 2012

Greek Mythology

So I had to write this essay for Thompson’s class like I’m sure most everybody should have done. I missed some class so by the end when we were supposed to have this whole thing finished. This was a little hard considering I was a little confused but I think it turned out okay!

The Quest of the Golden Fleece: Jason and the Argonauts

Many of these hero stories teach us something important in our lives. Sometimes it is hard to find what it teaches through all of the war and fighting but in the end, something good always comes from what they have done. In this story of Jason’s quest for the Golden Fleece, it illustrates many common themes. Heroes always seem to accomplish the impossible even when the circumstances they were born into are very difficult. Jason, a hero in Greek mythology, is sent on a very difficult quest. Jason was born with an uncle who wants him dead so he cannot claim the throne of Lolcus. In the end, heroes always reclaim their rightful place in life. This very interesting story of Jason and the Golden Fleece illustrates all of those themes.

            To make the story of Jason and the Argonauts more clear, I will start by saying that Jason goes on a journey to find the Golden Fleece so that he can reclaim his rightful throne. When I went to the library; I found a book on this story that said, “Pelias said that Jason could be his heir if he fetched the golden fleece from colchins” In the story, he had to do many things that would seem impossible. Some of the things he faced would seem absolutely ridiculous to us.  He was not going to receive the Golden Fleece easily, so he was faced with some difficult tasks. He had to yoke a team of fire-breathing bulls and then plow the field with them; had to plant dragon teeth which turn into “warlike armored men” and fight them; and worst of all he had to pass by a sleeping dragon to get the fleece. Jason accomplished all these tasks with the help of Medea, Aeetes' daughter, who had fallen in love with him. In the end, he finally got the Golden Fleece and all was well. He did not get it without a fight though. The three themes that I mentioned earlier are found within the story of Jason and the Argonauts. The first one being that Jason conquered all these things after what you could call a rough child hood.(Pontikis, Nick)

            Aeson was Jason’s father. His father’s step brother Palias stole the kingdom of Lolcus from him and imprisoned him. Jason’s mother , Plymele, knew that when Jason was born his evil uncle would try to kill him so that he would never be a ruler of Lolcus.  She made Palias believe that the baby died at birth. Pymele was smart enough to get Jason smuggled out of the city and delivered to Mount Pelion where he was cared for by Cheiron. (Greek Myths and Legends 32,33) Jason had a hard life growing up. He had his father in prison and his own uncle wanting to kill him. This example is the first theme  this story demonstrates. Heroes sometimes rise from lowly beginnings or unhappy circumstances.  Even though Jason was raised in unhappy circumstances, he was still able to complete nearly impossible tasks.

            In the story of Jason and the Argonauts, as I told you before, Jason is faced with many tasks that seem impossible. His uncle found out that he was still alive and told him he could have the throne if he retrieved the Golden Fleece. His uncle thought that Jason would just be killed on the quest and never retrieve the throne but his uncle Palias was badly mistaken.  One of the first things that Jason is faced with is rock walls that slam shut when you get into them. No ship has ever been able to pass through safely. They were clever enough to find guidance to know if the they threw a bird through first, the walls would shut and while they were reopening, it would be the perfect chance to go through. Magic rock walls that close to kill was just one of the challenges the Argonauts were faced with. ( Jason, quest for the golden fleece, 26) Once they got to the place where the Golden Fleece was, they were faced with the challenges that I mentioned earlier. This just shows the second theme I am showing, which is that Heroes can accomplish seemingly impossible tasks.

            The third theme that best fits this book is the one about heroes always reclaiming their rightful place in life. After a long and hard journey to find the Golden Fleece, Jason, with the help of Medea, retrieved it. Medea, who was a great sorceress cast a spell on the dragon that was protecting the Fleece so they could go in and snatch it. They brought it back to Lolcus to show the king. The king then got what he deserved. The truth was revealed about the king so his own daughters cut him up and boiled him! Jason, with his wife Medea, lived very happily for some time afterwards.

            As you can see, this story about this amazing hero shows three major themes in Greek mythology. The first being that heroes sometimes rise from lowly beginnings or unhappy circumstances, which in this case is very true. The second theme represented is that heroes can overcome nearly impossible tasks. Last but not least the third theme covers how heroes always reclaim their rightful place in life. In this epic Greek story about Jason and the Argonauts (the Quest of the Golden Fleece), all three of the daily themes are represented. I encourage you to go and read these fabulous Greek myths because you can really learn a lot of important things from them!

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