Monday, May 7, 2012

thoughts on Fahrenheit 451 :)

As with many other books I am assigned to read, I went into by Ray Bradbury, with sort of a bad attitude. Most books I am assigned to read aren’t my favorite. Sometimes they are not that bad but I must admit that at first, I did judge this book by its cover. On the cover there is this man made out of books and he is on fire. I really had no idea what it was about. It always concerns me when I have to read a book that I haven’t heard much about, because the books that are really talked about are usually the best and most exciting ones.  I didn’t think it would be that great of a book so I started it with the intentions of just getting it done as soon as I possibly could. I had a really hard time trying to get myself to actually pick up the book and read it, but once I did I found out something that I hadn’t expected. The book was pretty interesting!

                When I first started to read the book, I was sort of confused because of the setting.   As I continued with the book, I realized that it was actually really good. In this book, it foreshadows what may be to come in even our world. The things that were going on made it almost seem possible.  It was really interesting. The main character, Guy Montag, is a fireman.  Montag does not put fires out though, he starts them.

                Montag has been starting fires all his life, but in the book he starts to question what he does. When he starts fires, they aren’t just for any reason, but he burns books and the houses they were in. In the world that Montag lives in they try to make everyone happy, and to do that, they don’t really let you have much freedom.  They pretty much tell you what you can and can’t do. I can’t imagine living in a world like that! There are only certain books that you are allowed to be read, and if you are caught with any different books, your house and your books are burned, and you are either sent off to jail or to a mental institute.

 Montag starts to question why they burn the books and why they are so bad. This causes a problem for him and his wife. People start to get mad when they find out that Montag is actually hiding and reading books. After his wife leaves him, he is forced to flee the city and just in time too, because he meets others along the river and then the city blows up. He learns a lot about fire when he is there with virtually nothing. He learned that the fire is there to really keep him warm, and can be used in good ways.

I really enjoyed this book and I really like Ray Bradbury’s style of writing. I can really picture everything in my head well because of all the description he gives. I love how he compares things. It makes me look at things in a whole new way, and that is one of the reasons I really liked it. In the end, I was happy I was assigned to read this book because I may never have read it otherwise.

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