By reading the book “A Tale of Two Cites” I want to make this week’s blog post about revenge and how nothing good comes out of it. You hear people telling you all the time that you cannot be truly happy when you are so held up on anger and revenge. I found this poem that shows just a little glance of how to be happy and how to have joy. I liked looking for these pomes because in doing this is showed me even better how to be happy and how to have joy. This is just one of the small poems that showed it.
joy leaps joy skips joy dances
joy in a spring step of life lives
joy in brevity of life celebrations
joy in spontaneous moments lives
joy in a quick pace moment lives
As you can see, nowhere in this poem does it say anything about revenge, anger, and hatred. This is because to have joy you can’t have any one of those traits be part of you. Joy truly does come from dancing, being optimistic, and moments of peace you will never forget.
On sort of this same subject, you can get happiness from similar ways. When I am just having a really bad day or just mad for some reason, exercising really helps. I did a science article on exercising and is said that it releases endorphins that make you happy. Good Music and other things have the same affect. Laughing is also a good source of medicine when you feel sad. You could be having the worst day ever but someone makes you laugh and it can turn your whole day around.
Surrounding yourself with things that make us happy and feel good really makes a difference in how we see the world around us. If we hang around friends that make you feel bad about yourself or make you do bad things than you aren’t going to feel as good as hanging with friends that make you feel good about yourself for who you are. A good friend won’t try to change you for who you are. They will embrace it and make you an even better person. Being nice to others and bringing the best out makes you happy too.
Doing service for others makes you feel better too. If you don’t believe me then go do service and see how you feel afterwards. I have never met anyone who after they have done something nice for someone else had a bad feeling in their stomach and felt bad about themselves. You never hear this because it never happens!
Doing service and finding joy in the small things is what will make us truly happy in life. Revenge, hatred, and other things will just bring us down. Be happy!
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