I read an article on the science website and it really caught my eye. It was about embarrassment. Have you ever been embarrassed? Well it’s not that bad of a thing! In this article it tells you have being embarrassed is actually a characteristic of a good person.
In this article it says how If you are embarrassed easily you actually are a more trustworthy person and more honest. This is a very interesting study but when I thought about it I knew it was true. Think about a person that gets embarrassed a lot. Do you think of him as trustworthy? I know that the person I’m thinking of is honest. The article also states that a person that is embarrassed easily is also good for dating help and other important decision making.
There is so much about ourselves that we have yet to learn. Even though we think we know everything about ourselves because we are us, we are wrong. There is so much that even the smartest of people can’t find out about us. The more we can figure out how we work the better we will be able to understand ourselves. I think this research should be continued so that we know more about ourselves. There are different aspects of our body. We may know all of our interests and hobbies, but there are internal parts of us that we have yet to figure out.
“Embarrassment is one emotional signature of a person to whom you can entrust valuable resources. It’s part of the social glue that fosters trust and cooperation in everyday life one of the Berkeley social psychologist Robb Willer, a coauthor of the study published in this month’s online issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. This is the kind of studies that will really help us one day. It is important we read articles like this so we can understand our own selves better.
After I read this article, there was one question that came into my mind. I was really curious to know if other characteristics that we have resemble something else. If embarrassment means trustworthy, then what does shy and other stuff like that mean? It would be interesting to know what all of these things mean. You can’t always believe all the stuff that you hear in the world but that is why I like this website. It has people that know what they are doing conduct these projects so that we know that all the information they are putting online is true.
In conclusion, I think that we should continue this research to figure out more about ourselves. This article was very interesting. I did not know that if you get embarrassed it means you are a trustworthy and honest person. If you are interested I stuff like this, then you should go online and read the other articles that these scientist have to offer.
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