Sunday, September 25, 2011

Words to Live By

                For my theatre class I have to memorize some poems. It took me kind of a long time to find poems that were the right size. While I was trying to find some poems and I came across one that I really liked. It was called,” Words to Live By” by Rebecca Barlow Jordan.  It went like this:
It's not how much you accomplish in life
that really counts,
but how much you give to others.
It's not how high you build your dreams
that makes a difference,
but how high your faith can climb.
It's not how many goals you reach,
but how many lives you touch.
It's not who you know that matters,
but who you are inside.
Believe in the impossible,
hold tight to the incredible,
and live each day to its fullest potential.
You can make a difference
in your world.

I really like this poem because it is truly “Words to Live By”. The Poem takes about how it doesn’t matter how perfect you are, as long as you are trying to make a difference.  It says Believe in the impossible.” I really like this part in the poem because I really think this part of it is true. If you don’t want to do something because you think it is impossible, then you will never know for sure. There are so many things in life we may miss out on if we just classify things as impossible.
                Another part that really stood out to me in the poem was the part where it said “It’s not who you know that matters, but who you are inside”. I really liked this part because it is saying how it doesn’t matter what kind of person you are on the outside, as long as you know who you are on the inside. It is really important to remember that just because we are one way on the outside that we are like that on the inside. It is the same when we look at others. We should not judge them by their outside appearance, but instead learn to know them for who they are inside. This poem was very inspiring and that is why I liked it.

Laughing Does More Than Just Make You Happy!

                I was looking through an article the other day and came across a story that really interested me. It did not interest me because I was looking to learn about it, but simply because it was something I did every day. It said that when you laugh, it makes your body feel happier, and makes you feel better. When I heard this I was very excited because I laugh all the time.
                From what I read I learned that when you laugh, it makes endorphins in your body just like exercising does. The endorphins release stress and help you feel better about problems in your life. I heard a quote that fit right along with this subject, it said, “You don't have to get on a treadmill to relieve stress. There's a lot of research showing that laughter has an impact on illness. It releases endorphins and relieves pain.” This quote was said by Janice Hein.  This quote also supports the other thing which I read in the article, which was that it relives pain.
                Have you ever been in pain and then you started to laugh and feel better? Well if you have than you have experienced these endorphins and know that it really does relieve pain.  It is a proven fact that if you laugh while you are in pain, then your pain will feel a little better. When they tested this theory on patients, they found that all of the patients felt relief from their pain by at least 10%! This may not seem like a lot but when you are experiencing the pain, it feels like more. I really liked this article because we all laugh every day and to know that if makes us feel better makes me want to laugh even more!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Time Is An Interesting Concept

Have you ever just thought about time? It is kind of a hard thing to comprehend. There is a lot about time that we still have to figure out. When we think of time we automatically think of the present, the future, and the past. This is because that is pretty much all we know about time. There are so many other ways to think of it too, and so many other theories about it. Some think that the faster we travel, the more time slows down. Have you ever thought that maybe there is another option than just living in the now? Well on the website there is a whole article on this subject.
                One of the things I learned while reading this article was that we may think we are living in the now but we really aren’t. When we tell out body to do something, it sends a message from our brain to that part of the body to tell it what to do. This could be a simple message like to think, or to move our feet. When this process takes place, it takes about eighty milliseconds to send the message from our head into our body. This means that we are actually living not in the present, but eighty milliseconds behind. In this article it also takes about how when you get traveling really fast, time actually slows down! Con you believe it? It is a very weird but real statement. Time is such a weird thing to think about and there is so much more we can learn about it.

A Planet Made of Diamonds

On a website names there is an article about a planet that is suspected to be made out of diamonds. How is this possible you may say? Well, in this article I learned that scientists believe that these new planet made up of old remains of planets. These old remains have been pressurized and over millions of years have become solid diamonds.
                I definitely think that research should be continued on these unique planets. The more we find about space, the better. Finding a planet made of solid diamonds would be a huge discovery. Many scientists believe that the finding out about these unknown planets is not far away. The technology they have now a day has made it very possible for them to do research with advanced technology and many are very close to a breakthrough.  There are many planets that are expected to be similar to this one. Space is so big, with so many unknown elements. The more we can figure out about anything in space will help us understand it more. There are so many mysteries of space. We can hardly comprehend how much is out there! The more we learn the better.